Saturday, March 27, 2010

Friday Fill - Ins, Saturday morning addition

I don't know what my deal is lately - kind have the funkity funk funk funks. But this morning I get to meet Training Buddy - run a 5k in December like cold weather, get my hair done, go to the dump & meet friendsfor dinner later. So maybe that will help - in the mean time - I give you Friday Fill-Ins, Saturday morning edition...

1. The right word is sometimes hard to find.
2. Go outside and play kids and shut the door quietly, please.
3. Up was a really sad movie..
4. Not far from coffee is where you'll find me.
5. Ooh! What is that really cool treasure in the What Not Corner at the dump?
6. Training for a half marathon is starting to sound like a good idea.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to basketball watching, tomorrow my plans include above plans plus laundry and Sunday, I want to sleep in & watch the UConn women rock at noon!

1 comment:

Christopher said...

The perfect antidote for the Funkity funkfunkfunk is Christine Ohlman and Rebel Montez at Black-Eyed Sally's (table for eight people [including two moodusites]@ 7:30 for Colbath)