Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Is it 2009 yet? Or Holy Shit I'm Old, I can't stay up 'till midnight.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Ten Best Momments of the Year
In no particular order are my Ten on Tuesday. Of course, it is probably skewed by the most recent events but I can't help that - did I mention I'm drinking wine?
1. Mom's December visit - she was here for almost the whole month and we had a really nice time. She lives out West so I miss doing the everyday things with her - we had a nice chance to catch up & just hang out.
2. The Florida Friends #1 visit - I can't remember if I have a name for them, how about Nico's People. Nico's Dad, Mom & brother came up for a week - they hung out with my Mom for a couple of hours when we picked them up at the airport & then dropped Mom off for her return flight. We had visitors for the entire month of December last year & it was good fun...really. I think the highlight was Geocaching when it was around -10 degrees - they loved it! Or at least that's what they said when we went back to the car..where they were sitting freezing their Florida patooties off!
3. The first day of baseball - always a good day - no matter what year.
4. #2 Visit form Florida friends - Visit from the Lizard family - it was a little warmer for them in May. We had a very nice time, hanging out having the nice big bar b-que I planned inside since it rained (the house was packed but that's OK) and showing Li'l Lizard Boy the bees - he had on a pair of pj's with feet which was a nice bee suit & he showed no fear!
5. Our week in Maine - even thought it rained we managed to have a pretty relaxing time. I think we hauled up half our house - which, for those of you who know us, know we don't travel light. We even brought up our own basil plant (pesto) and mint plant (mojito's) because I don't think they have either in Maine.
6. Music on the River concerts - I am on the town Parks & Rec Committee & we sponsor these outdoor summer concerts down by the Connecticut River. They are always good fun - I'll make sure I post all about them this summer.
7. Meeting Dolan's ....main squeeze? fiance? love of her life? Finally ... we thought she was making it all up.
8. Thanksgiving with family - it was nice to get away & have an unusually low key week in Florida. However, my brother in law forced me to drink a copious amount of rum and cokes one night so I hurt myself- thanks, Cliff. Glad you hurt yourself as well : - )
9. The election results - I still get goose bumps thinking about it. Can you imagine what the inauguration will be like?
10. Getting water back - thank God. I would be the worst pioneer woman, although I do like to chop wood.
Honorable mention but I've mentioned it several times already - leaving my old job and getting my new best job ever.
Also starting my blog - it has been fun and I've met some very cool people!
Ok - time to get another glass of wine, happy New Year's Eve eve. I will post from our neighbors tomorrow and most likely will be thankful for spell check after a couple of martinis.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Catching Up...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Christmas Eve!

The good news is we have water. The well boys fixed us up yesterday and the better part is they are sending us the bill. So, since it is the American way we can pay later! Yea - because who needs a $2,000 hit to their bank account 2 days before Christmas.
I am going to work but need to start posting from home - we'll see how that goes. Our notsowildaboutblue sentence will end January 7th and I am so excited to cancel their crappy service & get dial up - our best option out in the wilds of Moodus.
So I hope we only have to work until about 2:00, then I need to wrap Hubby's gifts and we will go down to Training Buddy's house for Christmas eve.
I got the below story from a friend at work and think it is so fitting for the holiday; Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice or whatever you celebrate.
An old Rabbi once asked his pupils how they could tell
when the night had ended and the day had begun.
“Could it be,” asked one of the students, “When you see
an animal in the distance and can tell whether
it’s a sheep or a dog?”
“No,” answered the Rabbi.
Another asked, “Is it when you can look at a tree in the
distance and tell whether it’s a fig tree or a peach tree?”
“No,” answered the Rabbi.
“Then what is it?” the pupils demanded.
“It is when you can look on the face of any man or
woman and see that it is your sister or brother.
Because if you cannot see this, it is still night.”
~ Tales of the Hasidim
And finally, above an ever so cute photo my friends the Lizards. Now, does anyone know any modeling agencies looking for cute kids? Cuz I think this kid has a future. I hope you were all good and get what you wished for!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Yep - we got snow!
Not a lot of snow yet but you got the sense things were going to change quickly. Another 10 minutes I was turning into downtown Moodus (by the packy) and it looked like this
You'll notice it was pretty wet stuff. I was ever so glad to be home. I went out on our back deck and took this update photo
And since I can't figure out how to format the photos any different - sorry there you have it.
Our neighbor came down for gift wrapping and martinis and Hubby fortunately had the good sense to drive her down and home - our driveway was a bitch..... And the cats - where were they during the storm? Safe and sound..
The view off the deck the next morning was very pretty - you couldn't even see the deck lights on the boughs anymore - eventually they "burned" thru the snow.
Eric - Dude - I am so sorry you missed this one. This was all the snow you were waiting for last year when you were here. So why don't you talk your folks into coming up this week....
Ok - now the drama part - we were enjoying the view - a little nervous about the driveway but we were cool. Until I was fixing dinner and the water just stopped. Like stopped coming out of the faucet. Like none came out ...of any the whole house. Now Hubby is very handy so I wasn't freaked out yet. Until he totally freaked out. Do you know how much you depend on running water? I thought I knew but I really didn't until this weekend and trust me, now I do. We made a run into town to get water - Hubby forgot he has low 4 wheel drive on his truck & even after I told him (he didn't listen to me) he managed to get stuck going out up our bitch of a driveway and broke a taillight when he hit a tree. We went to the local drug store and since we hadn't showered in 2 days - had just been a major fight and were stressed about the whole lack of water thing, we looked our best and I'm sure broadcasted a vibe of peace, love and harmony. Fortunately for us that is when we ran in Senator Christopher Dodd. I'm sure he was so impressed with us - I could tell by how fast he got the hell away from us & out the door. Actually he was quite cordial, shorter than I thought and buying a snow shovel. That was our brush with someone famous for the day - he does live in East Haddam so it shouldn't have been a big surprise to see him somewhere around town.
We melted snow to wash some dishes, used snow to cool down our martini glasses (that was a nice suprise - it really cools things off) and basically worried about how much it would cost us to get the damn pump/well/whateverthehellitwasthatwasn'tworking fixed. The good news is the company that originally dug the well is still in business and they returned our call. I belong to a gym at work so hurried in this morning to shower there before work. More good news is the well comapny was to be at the house this afternoon about 1:30. Hubby called me at 3:30 to tell me that yes, they showed up at 1:30 and at 3:30 they had just finished digging their truck out of the ditch off our driveway - did I mention the driveway is a bitch and over 1,500 feet long? So now I get to sit here an wait and wonder how much this repair will cost us, when they can get it done and hope the driveway isn't too iced over for my drive home. If it is, I'll park down by the mail box and walk home, in the dark. What was I saying about how much I heart snow? This is the view out of my office today - notice the ice floats in the river.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Really?? 6 - 12 inches??
Ok - I missed Ten On Tuesday - way too busy with holiday things but basically I can cover it in one or two sentences. The list was the Ten Best Gifts You Have Ever Gave . Very easy for me - the quilts I have made for wedding, Christmas, baby events. And the trip Hubby & I gave Mom to Ireland - that was hands down the best gift I ever gave. I'll take some photos of some the quilts that I have access to & post them some day. Same with Ireland photos..
Ok - off to the paky (affectionate name for the package store) to get my bottle of port - its' going to snow!! YEA!!!!
*The photo is of our other cat, Casey. She hates the snow & cold because she is a Florida kitty . This is a random kitty photo post.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Can I answer with only one word?

Where is your significant other? work
Your hair color? brown
Your mother? awesome
Your father? alive
Your favorite thing? home
Your dream last night? none
Your goal? contentment
The room you're in? office
Your hobby? quilting
Your fear? dark
Where do you want to be in six years? home
Where were you last night? parade
What you're not? unhappy
One of your wish-list items? wealth
Where you grew up? Montana
The last thing you did? ate
What are you wearing? clothes
Your TV? plasma
Your pet? cats
Your computer? on
Your mood? tired
Missing someone? yep
Your car? truck
Something you're not wearing? Birkenstocks
Favorite store? bookstore
Your summer? happy
Love someone? yes
Your favorite color? purple
When is the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? weekly
Friday, December 12, 2008
Fillin Friday
1. Friends are the best thing ever - I've got great ones!
2. Good health; it's nothing to take for granted.
3. I'm ready for going out to dinner tonight & enjoy the company of an old friend and a new friend.
4. Old Spice (my Dad used to wear it) is one of my favorite perfumes or aftershaves or smells.
5. The oldest ornament I have is , since my brother doesn't read this - I have the blue Silent Night ball!!! A very big deal in our family and it was wanted by both of us - Mom likes me best, she gave it to me!
6. Take some hot tea, honey, lemon & whiskey, mix it all together and you have an awesome hot toddy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to dinner then working on Christmas gifts, tomorrow my plans include running....gulp.... 8 miles and packing up gifts to mail and Sunday, I want to work on Christmas gifts, watch the 'Fins win & enjoy the Niantic Christmas parade!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Ten Favorite Christmas Songs

Monday, December 8, 2008
The port is gone....

Friday, December 5, 2008
It's Begining to Look Alot Like Christmas...but where's the SNOW???
I was over at one of my favorite knitting blogs, bag n' trash home of monster yarn and watched this video - I was a wild child of the 80's but do not remember this video but of course know the song. I am linking to her blog, but Maryse, I had to link the You Tube video on my blog as well - thanks for the great idea!Ok - I tried to link the You Tube vidoe but can't figure it out so check out the link - really and have a great weekend!