Friday, December 5, 2008

It's Begining to Look Alot Like Christmas...but where's the SNOW???

I wish it was snowing.... I admit I do heart snow but I'm also looking forward to having a glass of this amazing port from Priam Vineyards - a local vineyard. This was given to us a gift from some close friends who were visiting from Florida and since I don't have their permission to use their names I'll make something up... from the Lizard family, Scaley, Mrs. Scaley & Little Scaley. Anyhow - they gave us this wine in May. Hubby and I have a little custom - we drink a glass (or two) of port by the fire when it snows. And for gosh sake it's December......and it hasn't snowed yet and did I mention we have had the our house.....SINCE MAY!!! Most alcohol has a much shorter shelf life in our house. So, a chance of flurries is predicted for Sunday and I am thinking this may have to count as snow.
I was over at one of my favorite knitting blogs, bag n' trash home of monster yarn and watched this video - I was a wild child of the 80's but do not remember this video but of course know the song. I am linking to her blog, but Maryse, I had to link the You Tube video on my blog as well - thanks for the great idea!Ok - I tried to link the You Tube vidoe but can't figure it out so check out the link - really and have a great weekend!

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