Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Fill- Ins and a new feature - It's Cocktail Time

Friday is here & I am excited because it means basketball all weekend! Hubby & I also enjoy a Friday night martini & I have decided I will share our favorites with you each Friday. This little goal will hopefully keep me honest with my blog postings as well. we go!

1. Angel or not, I will always have fun.

2. I try to be true to myself instead of any way you want me.

3. As my mother used to say, you're full of potential and can be anything you want to be.

4. I try to drink lots of water after I'm done working out or doing something strenuous.

5. Even in the most crowded of rooms I can usually see over the crowd because I'm 6 feet tall.

6. For me, no day is a day fraught with peril.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a ginger martini cocktail, tomorrow my plans include my last all day hospice volunteer training & dinner with Training Buddy & Princess and Sunday, I want to sleep in & watch the UCONN women win!

We used to only be able to get this fabulous ginger liquor in NYC but it is now available locally - YEA!! This martini is so easy and so damn good - go to the link of the web site to see their cool little video - cheers!
2 parts good vodka (we use Hanger One Buddha's Hand Citron vodka)
2 parts Domaine de Cantone
Shake in a martini shaker & pour straight up in a chilled martini glass- garnish with a lemon twist


Anonymous said...

Now you've got us reading.... All the way from Florida... Guess Who.

Margy said...

Wow - someone I know, used to hang out from Florida who likes martinis. That doesn't quite narrow it down past about 100 people!